RHODcast: Dec 21, 2021

The Revolution’s Black Soldiers

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On Christmas night 1776, an event took place that would change history. Leading a troop of just over 2000 men, the only force he could muster, General George Washington commanded “his Marbleheaders” to row them in small groups of a dozen or so in small fishing dories across the ice-clogged Delaware River. This they did, coming back time and again until the whole force was safely delivered to the Jersey shore for a daring raid on Britain’s Hessian mercenaries in what became known as the Battle of Trenton. Things went better for the twice-beaten colonial army thereafter. Among the Marbleheaders was a “well-respected” freed man named Joseph Brown. He was not alone.

Revolutionary war re-enactor ALGY BROWN tells the story of General Washington’s Black fighters. 

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